Campaign Manager 360

Improve performance with traffic analytics

Campaign Manager 360 (CM360) is a tool for analyzing advertising traffic and audience behavior, as well as evaluating the effectiveness of campaigns and specific creatives.

Main advantages

Evaluate the effectiveness of ads

It allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and creatives (post-views and post-clicks), how users behave after viewing ads, and which chains lead to the desired results.

Example: We are running a media and audio campaign on Youtube in the fall and want to understand which ads funnel works best and how different channels influence each other.

Measure unique reach and cross-device conversions

It helps you to measure both unique reach (across all devices used by specific users) and cross-device conversions. This is very important in the modern world, when a user can see ads on a mobile device and then place an order through a browser on a computer (and vice versa).

Example: We are running a campaign on Youtube on Desktop, APP and TV in the UK and want to understand how users who viewed ads in the app subsequently accessed the site from a laptop.

Optimize creatives

The solution helps you evaluate and optimize creatives for different user groups (by social demographic, interests, behavior, etc.), as well as build the most effective creative chains. All this in total makes it possible to create complex advertising campaigns with maximum efficiency and at the lowest cost.

Example: We want to make a chain of different messages (banners) and tell the client about the benefits of our product step by step.

Track Direct Ads

You can track third-party sites (outside of Google) with an assessment of the post-view/post-click effect and the impact on other channels.

Example: We evaluate the effect of branding a gaming site and how users who have viewed our integration then come to the site (not directly) and register on the site.

Integrate Offline Conversions

Flexible options for transferring and integrating offline conversions will allow you to set up the integration of offline conversions once and then evaluate any channels through it (including Youtube by post-view).

Example: Launching a PC game or reaching a certain level, passing KYC or buying goods from a retailer.

What OHM offers

As a Google Certified Partner, we offer our customers all the benefits of working with the CM360.

You'll receive the desirable amount and depth of analytics, and reports will work to achieve your goals.

Our Clients

Growth leaders and just plain winners  — in gaming, finance, digital, retail, delivery and  taxi, dating and more


EVE Online


Raiffeisen Bank
IQ Options

Taxi & Delivery





Keto App


Our Partners

We partner with global leaders in the technology market and in digital advertising and marketing